Friday, February 01, 2008


After our little photo shoot to compare his size, Nolan was THRILLED to not be in that tight outfit any more, and started to tell me a very long, very loud story. I had to take a few more pictures, since he was so happy.

Chubby boy!
Look at all those rolls. . .

Is it me, or does he look like he's singing opera?


McLeodx5 said...

i love those little thighs! you are in trouble!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, he's roll-o-rama. He must be cuddly.

When I saw the title of this entry, I thought that Rage Against the Machine's "Freedom" should have come to mind, but instead I thought of the George Micheal song.

Does that mean I'm officially a grown-up, or just a big wuss?

Sufoot said...

I swear I've seen Ben make that SAME opera-face before...