Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Catching up

What's that?  I didn't post ONCE in February?  


I wish I could say I had a back log of posts all saved up to publish...  but alas.  Between day jobs, night jobs (Ben is teaching a class for BYU's EMPA program this semester along with our OOF work), purging our house in order to get it ready to sell, and pregnancy, and all of the joyful symptoms that come with it in my world...  Let's just say there hasn't been a lot of documenting going on around here.  

I know.  Excuses excuses.

So here are a few things to redeem myself.

First, the Oscars.  I was THRILLED with the winners, for the most part.  I loved The King's Speech.  LOVED it.  I would have been just as happy with Inception winning, but that wasn't going to happen.  I'm just glad The Social Network didn't take home the big prizes.  It deserved the ones it won, and I feel like most everyone got their due...  I WILL come back and do a movie review post...  perhaps next week.  I have a LOOONNGG list to update on, but I'll do it.

Second.  I am 32 weeks pregnant tomorrow. (I didn't do my hair for this photo...  sorry 'bout that)  32 looonnnggg weeks.  I am still throwing up on average 4 times a day.  Completely exhausted ALL of the time.  If there's anything harder than your first pregnancy...  it's subsequent pregnancies when you have other small beings to take care of on top of the one you're growing.  I must admit...  I hate it.  Every second of it.  I'm SO ready to be done.  I'm scared to death to have a baby again.  Scared to death for the constant neediness and the lack of sleep.

That said, I'm also REALLY excited to meet this little girl.  If everyone could do a lot of praying that she'll be a mellow little angel baby, to make up for the past 9 months, I would really appreciate it.  It would certainly make it easier to look back on the past little while with less stress and more fondness.

Third.  Nolan is currently 3 going on 13.  Bless his heart, he has a real talent for sass.  I can't believe how amazing he's become at communicating what he wants and needs.  I'm curious to know who decided that two is the hardest age...  I'm finding 3 to be much more challenging, as far as behavior.  On the other hand, he is becoming incredibly social and enjoys running off to play with his cousins or his friends.  I love his new found independence.  I love that he can help me a little around the house, even if it often becomes a fight to make him follow through.  I love that he is starting to wrap his brain around things like spelling and addition and imagination.  He has many "pretend friends" that come to hang out with us on a regular basis.  Some of them are characters from his favorite games and shows.  Some are real people that he wishes were at his house to play.  It's hilarious to watch the stories he comes up with.  He's getting to be a real character.  

I redid his interview from last Spring, just to see how much he's changed. I've actually done this several times over the last 6 months, but this one has turned out the best, so check it out!


Heidi said...

Consider yourself (and the baby) prayed for. Also, I FULLY agree that 3 is harder than 2, and I'm not even a mom...

Tamey said...

This brought me much much happiness. HAHA. I'm surprised he didn't mention the wedding dress party. HAHA. I LOVE IT! He's growing up too fast though.

Melanie said...

Oh, we did this before he saw your dress, unfortunately. I should ask him about that on video. :)

Hel said...

I love your baby belly. it's just right I think. I think I'm a bit of a baby belly snob.... whatever that means.

I completely agree that three is harder than two (in my opinion). I wonder, though, that people are less likely to say so because there is the independence that kind of counteracts the yuckiness of being three. I am expecting Isabel to completely change in a couple of months when she turns four. ;)

Megan said...

Melanie, I wish I could help relieve some of your pregnancy sickness. Or do something to help with that. But I think your son is adorable and I am willing to bet your daughter will be also.

mel said...

Sweet sweet! Though I hate that you're still sick.

Because I am living 2 vs 3 right now, I can say I like 3 better because the language is more advanced. My 2yo still has screaming fits because he can't properly communicate what he wants. The imagination boom with 3 is really cool. I'll take 3 over 2. But only because I'm *right in it*.

Stefanie said...

First. you look TINY to me. Seriously.

Second. Your hair looks awesome.

Third, Nolan is A.FREAKIN.Dorable.

And fourth -- they have matching PJs again??? HAHAHAHA!

Natalie said...

Very, Super Cute!
Yes, three is harder than two.

Loraine Edwards said...

Oh I miss you all so much ... I love that you are his best friends... priceless.

Lisa said...

Nolan is too grown up and so very cute! And I can't wait to see what this little girl looks like!

Year 3 has always been more intense at our house than year 2, but personally, I dread the first year with a new baby most too. It's all about lack of sleep. I feel like I can handle anything if I'm consistently getting a good night's sleep!

Kelsey K. Hartley said...

I love the answer to "What do you want to be when you grow up?" He says, "Nolan." Dang cute kid!

I hate that you're still so sick in the third trimester. I guess I should feel lucky that I'm not. Poor Melanie! I'm jealous that you're 3 wks ahead of me. And yes, I'm afraid of the lack of sleep ahead but that's because the baby often kicks and wakes me in the middle of the night now.

Kalli said...

You are a bloody hero is what you are.

I realize how easy I've had it compared to what you're doing. Geez lady.

Let's get some Thai soon, unless that tastes much worse coming back up... you tell me.

Emily Webster said...

I FINALLY watched the video just now and it was great! (couldn't watch it on my touch). Seriously, love that that kid is so smart. And I like his short hair. Very professional. ;-)