Thursday, June 16, 2011

Holland's Blessing

Holland's blessing weekend was a whirlwind of family and fun that left me catching up for a good long time.  But to say that it was marvelous is an understatement.  
It was a perfect day, and Ben gave Holland a beautiful blessing.

Melissa took these two photos of us just before the meeting started:

We were surrounded by SO many friends and family...  
and were seriously remiss in getting good photos the day of the blessing. 

At the very end of the party we managed a few, though, with our camera:

 Grandma & Grandpa Webster with the sweet girl.

 Grandma & Grandpa and parents 
(forgive the yucko ponytail hair.  By then we were a couple of hours into the party and any attempts to keep my hair down had disappeared)

 The guest of honor in her pretty little blessing dress, courtesy of Baby Gap.  

Simplicity is the name of the game at our house, when it comes to Holland's clothes.  I learned my lesson with Nolan that comfort is paramount at this age.

And the following week, some cousin time:

 Nolan and Tanner.  Nolan pretty much worships Tanner, and was thrilled beyond words that they got to have a sleepover and Tanner got to hang out all day AND all night.  Made Nolan's year.

And the 4 kids (mine & my brother Nathan's)  
Madison, Nolan, Tanner & Holland

And another day...  Logan (2) gets to hold the baby...  
which he mostly loved...  and she tried to tolerate.


Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

adorable! love that dress too!

happy happy blessing day!

mel said...

How is it that she looks so big now? Where is my Wee Tininess? Maybe she's just long, 'cause she's sure not chunky. BUT adorable? She's got tons of that.

Stefanie said...

The kids area adorable! I love the photo of Holland gazing up at you (and you down at her). BEAUTIFUL!