Saturday, November 01, 2008


Nolan as a monkey on Halloween night.

We went up to Heritage Halls and did a little trick or treating. . .
Which wasn't all that effective or long lasting. . .

But he did enjoy a banana from the party in the central building.

Fitting, I think.


Stefanie said...

Thats one darn cute monkey!!! And a yummy looking banana to boot!! Only a few more years that we can get away with forcing them to be cute animals and not ninjas or superheroes....

Emily S. said...

Though he looks a bit "over it", he is ADORABLE! Love the prop. How perfect!

Melanie said...

He was SO over it. Just before this he had finally had it with the hat and tried to rip it off. I was surprised he lasted as long as he did.

Sandra said...

Very cute costume!