Wednesday, September 09, 2009


As you all know, Nolan is a little chef.

Ben has been planning a kitchen for him for some time now, but due to time being at a premium, work space being practically non-existent, and tools needing to be purchased. . . it was taking a while to come to fruition. So we decided that it would be more cost effective, and certainly more time saving, to buy one.

Especially when we saw THIS beauty at IKEA.

Holy gender neutral!

We loved it.

And so we got it for him
And set it up on Monday night with all of his dishes and such
(forgive the graininess, and the lack of stove top. the batteries were charging)

Aside from his intense frustration that the sink will not actually produce water when he turns the knob, he really seems to like it. We're not 100% done with his set up yet, as he is in need of a little bit more storage and work space. . . but that will be remedied soon.

(I was trying to get him to open the microwave as a demonstration of the fact that he can reach that high. . . but he wasn't in the listening mood this morning)


Vanessa Goertzen said...

That is AWESOME!!!

Jenny Webster said...

That is so cool! And I love that it's not pink!

Stefanie said...

I love that setup! If we had room, I would SO buy that for Max!

PS -- word verification was 'tometto' -- very appropriate for a cooking post!