Monday, March 31, 2008

Churchy Post

If you're not LDS, feel free to skip this one. You'll probably think I'm speaking in code anyway.

First, I'm going to steal a story (and a picture) from Emily, because this story cracked me up, and I never blogged about it.

Easter weekend at my parents house, the 3 oldest boys were upstairs playing in my parent's room. They had been playing swords all weekend with whatever they could find that resembled one, and no one was very sure they weren't breaking things. Nathan and jenny were packing their stuff across the hall, and went in to check on them, because it had gotten a little too quiet. When they did, they saw the boys sitting on the bed "reading the Book Of Mormon". Tanner was "reading" to Carter, and said "And it came to pass that there were Lamanites. And Jesus came and killed the Lamanites. . . with a sword."

(by the time Emily got upstairs with the camera, Carter had bailed, but Tanner was still there with his scriptures)

Also, this weekend we got a new calling in our ward. We will now be the Sunday School teachers for the youth in our ward. All of them, 12-18. Of course there are only about 8 of them, but still, that's a wide range of ages. We're both pretty excited about this, actually. Kids that age can be tough, but they can also be awesome, and we're hoping we can find the cool within us and inspire them somehow. . .

cross your fingers for us. . .


Janelle said...

I just got released from being the Youth Sunday School teacher, we only had 5-6 regular attenders, but it was so fun! (And yes, I go to a family ward.) I am so sad I don't teach anymore. Good luck!

Emily S. said...

THat's hilarious! Lord of the Scriptures: The Fellowship of the Lamanites"...

And my hubby is the ss teacher for the same group. Our ward is small and his class is only boys-- usually only 3 or 4 of them. Not too bad...