Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Pregnancy Sucks

There is a part of me that's nervous about the idea of my blog going all "Mommy". It's not that I think anyone will stop reading it, because, frankly, very few people do anyway. I just don't want to be one of those people who can ONLY talk about her baby. It's really not the only thing going on in my life right now (though a lot of the time I wish it was. . . I need a nap). BUT, it IS going on in my life. . . so sometimes I'm just going to have to go there.

Pregnancy has been relatively easy on me. But that doesn't mean I like it. (I say this with no ill will toward my unborn child who has absolutely no control over how he or she must come into this world, of course)

I think I can safely say, with no hesitation whatsoever, that pregnancy sucks. BIG TIME. I've only thrown up once during this whole "morning sickness" dance, and I still hate it. I know there are women out there who love it. I hate all of you too. . . sorry. You make the rest of us feel guilt over NOT liking to be pregnant.

I am starting to feel better, really. The nausea is subsiding. The lower back/leg pain is replacing it, however. And it is this p
oint that makes me question a lot of my decisions up to this point.

I am a pill popper. Always have been. Everything from Advil to migraine prescriptions to Lortab are on my list of go-to cures when I hurt. I have always lived by the principle, if I can fix it fast by taking something, why not? I'm careful not to overdo any of them. I only take Lortab on the really really bad back days. And it's not as if I take something EVERY day. But I'm certainly not afraid to self-medicate either. I am recently questioning that choice. Because now. . . now I'm stuck with tylenol. Tylenol does absolutely nothing for me. If I was one of those people that treated my ailments mor
e "naturally", I'd probably be a bit less grumpy these days. . . Maybe I'll have to look into that idea after this is all over with. . . And I've had my full strength epidural to deliver this child.

This is what the wee one looks like this week. It's the size of a large lemon, and now likes to squirm like nobody's business just to remind me he/she is there. As I said yesterday. . . a bizarre feeling.


Breedings said...

oh, yes. I'm pissed. I'm 31, been TTC for 4 years, and now that I'm pregnant, I'm nauseous, thrown up for the first time today (yay me), can't sleep well, tired all the time, have to work with whiny women all day and there is nobody to complain to because I can't complain (nobody wants to hear it). I don't wanna complain but I feel awful!!!! Thanks to you for being someone else out there who felt crappy, too.

Anonymous said...

Thank You! I have been on and I am so sick of the happy mommies! I just wanted to bitch for a minute and was asked if the baby was an "oops baby." Geez. There is such a thing of too much of a good thing (like a positive outlook). I just googled, "pregnancy sucks" and here I am. Is there a website for pregnant people who aren't so chipper?

Cassandra Miles said...

I too was pleased to find an "honest" (or, at least, similar) account of a pregnancy. Out of the thousands of pregnancy books I've looked at, the only one that even deals with the concept of suckiness is a book for men. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Finally someone who gets it. I am in week 9 and let me tell you, this is sucking big time. Not to mention that one week before I started a new job, I found out I was pregnant. Same as you--thrilled and cannot wait to meet the little one. But this whole "Earth-Mother" thing is for the birds. Tylenol?? Ruffage & Water?? Are they kidding with this stuff? I haven't thrown up yet, but I can barely keep it together with the woozy, nausea nightmare, tiredness and other fun. You are NOT alone sister--thanks for letting me vent & good luck!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean!!! I'm 36 weeks pregnant and if its not one sucky thing... its another! I threw up EVERY day for 4 months! After being relieved of that.. I had MOOD SWINGS.. I'd be in such a bad mood that I was a bitch to everyone, then cried b/c i felt bad for being so evil! Leg Cramps, Peeing every 5 mins, heartburn, backaches, headaches, oh and not to forget when baby decides to stick their foot in your ribs. Do those "happy mommies" go thru any of this?¿?

Kate said...

dude i totally feel you. I hate those mommies who "loved pregnancy" give me a break. this is my first and it has been the most challenging aspect of my life up till now. i cant wait till this is over and I can get on with my so-called life. not that im not thrilled to have the ability to bring a child into the world but seriously, its not easy!! I agree with you as well, i do not want having a child be the only thing that defines me. I try to continue to be myself but with all the stipulations, this seems to consume me instead of becoming another aspect of my life. where is the balance? time will tell I guess. thanks for the honesty! i feel so much better!!!

good luck!

Anonymous said...

At first i thought, gee i can handle this... no problem, right? ive only thrown up once myself, but it still sucks... i still feel sick all the time. I cant do anything i want to do! I cant get in my damn hot tub, i cant eat sushi (my favorite), no raw meat, no caffine, no pills, no alcohol. It goes on and on.. Pregnancy SUCKS

Anonymous said...

How do does anyone enjoy this!! I'm 11 weeks and I'm practically counting the minutes till this is over with!! 40 weeks how am I going to make it! THIS SUCKS! I'm so sick, I'm crazy! My husban can't figure out the rollercoaster and I have a new found strong dislike for him! So glad I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I never thought I would write on one of these but was just looking for something to make me feel better on the internet about how awful I feel and none of my symptoms match... I am 19 weeks, I think, and anyway where is this "surge of energy" and "end to the nauseousness." I am in my second trimester and have waited patiently for this so called "happy time" to start and I am tired, sick and have headaches all the time. To spite the fact that I don't eat that much because I feel sick all the time I still feel like an elephant oh and I cry all the time... is there anyone else in their 2nd trimester that still feels like shit?? Thanks for listening and for making me feel better!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Miss Anonymous who posted just before me,
You aren't the only one to feel crappy during second trimester. With my first I was pretty much housebound until 26 weeks. I could count on one hand the amount of times I left the house, and they were all midwife or chiropractic appointments. (I love my chiropractor.) I was so slow I was being over taken by old ladies with walking frames.
This time I'm not housebound, but am still nauseous virtually every waking minute. Worse, hubby has to work late for the next fortnight, so he's not even here to be nice to me.
Labour ain't so great either, but it's the best cure for pregnancy!!
Whinge as much as you like, ladies, there's nothing glamorous about motherhood.

Anonymous said...

Pregnancy does suck, I feel like crap all of the time and I am SOOO tired of everyone who we tell being overly excited when all I want to say is "I hate this!" It's not just feeling sick that I hate, I am not excited about being a mother. Is something wrong with me? I'm 39 and got married almost 5 months ago. Never thought I could get pregnant, doctors told me that for years, and didn't really want to, and BAM! I'm pregnant. How do I cope with this? Not only am I about to get as big as a house, but I feel no joy about becoming a mother.

Anonymous said...

Let me say I'm on my 2nd pregnancy, threw up or had very gross heartburn EVERY day of my ENTIRE first pregnancy & am NOT pleased to still be sick, tired, throwing up at 16 weeks this time...I
I will say though, that as much as I don't like it & give my husband tangible grief that he doesn't have to go through this *ish I know that all the pregnancy stips force you to learn how to think, eat, drink, LIVE more moderately & with your child first. I never planned on kids/marriage but here I am a married exec. SICK of being sick but seeking lessons in it (lesons yes but I'm still really sick of still being sick in second trimester) :-p It will be wprth it next year, it was with my first

Anonymous said...

I just googled, "pregnancy sucks" :))) This whole thing just freaks me out big time. What gets to me is this: all the wonderful things that happen in your body (illustrated with a big smiley picture of mother and child) and then there is a list of vomitimg, back aches, parted abdominal muscles, weight gain, varicose veins,hemorrhoids, oh and the risks to the baby ect. "Isn't is ironic? Don't you think? A little tooooo ironic......"

Anonymous said...

I googled "pregnancy sucks" and got here like several others. I am 9 and 1/2 weeks and life BLOWS!!!! I have an 11 yer old and remember being sick all nine months, but I know I did not feel like this! I find my husband repulsive! Every time he kisses me I want to BARF! His breath is so flippin putrid and I hate him near me in general. I am tired all the time, cranky, feel hopeless, have no motivation, i'm bloated and feel stuffed all the time, and having a bowel movement only happens when I use an enima! How much fun does all that sound? Really, where is the beauty in having the ability to carry a child. I just can't wait for it to end!

Anonymous said...

God bless you ladies- I can't stand being pregnant- in my 8th week. Not to mention I'm diabetic. So I have to take a million shots a day. I also got here by googling pregnancy sucks. Thank you all for sharing and making me feel like I'm not alone. THat and why is everyone "soooooo happy" for me? It's great that we can create life- but so can half of the rest of the world. I'm not feeling happy these days- I'm fat, nauseous, have a constantly runny nose, and pass gas nonstop. Not to mention I can't stay awake for more than 3 hours straight. Maybe people should start saying they're "soooooo sorry" for me once they hear I'm prego. Can't wait to deliver! Keep your chins up girls! It will be over in no more than 9 months!

Anonymous said...

I am almost 9 weeks pregnant and I think this whole experience sucks. I have already had to be hospitalized for severe dehydration from vomiting. I'm nauseated all the time in addition to just plain tired. I can't wait for this experience to be over. Who would decide to do this more than once???

Anonymous said...

For 1 yr I was raging jealous of every pregnant woman, and now that I am 8 weeks along I've transferred my jealousy--no make that hatred-- for all the glowing, happy, never-felt-better pregnant woman. Like everyone I am constantly nauseated and vomit multiple times a day...but there is relief from the vomiting (not the nausea though). Hasn't anyone turned to Zofran/ Ondanestron? I used it during my first pregnancy to stay alive and am using it again. Good luck and it is worth it in the end. But 2x of this hell on earth is my limit. Hang in there. Watch a lot of TV.

Anonymous said...

I can stand the sickness and throwing up part...maybe...maybe even the headaches and dizziness,but,for Christ sake...the part that really sucks is going though hell and having everyone around you saying how selfish you are for keeping the baby in the first place,and these are my friends I'm talking about.How am I supposed to feel any kind of hope through all this crap when everyone acts like I'm being such a bitch?

Anonymous said...

Pregnancy does indeed suck. I'm almost 12 weeks and have thrown-up practically every day since week 6. -- 3 times before 10:00am on my worst day.

I was prescribed Zofran, but the side effect (constipation) was so bad that I had to stop. Seriously. Abdominal pains that were so intense I thought, "Do Braxton Hicks contractions start this early?"

I adopted my first child and will definitely be adopting the next if there are three in our future.

Unknown said...

Oh, bless you all for sharing your complaints and fears and HONEST feelings. I don't feel so completely alone in my negative feelings about pregnancy/nausea/vomiting/fatigue/depression (the whole lot.)

Someone asked this question earlier, but I'm posing it again, does anyone know of a website, one like but for pregos? Basically a forum where real women aren't trying to play into a false fantasy, but instead being honest about their experiences. Anyone?

Melanie said...


While I was pregnant, I found I would suggest it for all of the whining/complaining/venting you need to do (because heaven knows your hubby won't want to hear it all)

Good luck with your pregnancy. I haven't change my stance. Pregnancy sucks. Motherhood is hard. But they are awfully cute too :)

Anonymous said...

Amen. This is my 4th pregnancy and I am only 7 weeks and feel like the life and energy have been zapped out of me. I would never wish this on anyone. I am 37 and just came back to my parents house so they can help me with my 4y/o and my 16 month old. My 15 y/o and my dh are back home taking care of the pets and e.t.c.
How pathetic am I??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So glad I've found this blog. I'm so sick of well-meaning family, friends and co-workers asking me for daily updates and talking aobut how much they loved being pregnant. I hate them all - pregnany has been the worst experience of my life.

Anonymous said...

I did a search for 'only moderately excited about pregnancy' and came to this site. I am so glad to see some other women who feel the same way. I actually feel OK (no sickness or vomiting), but am just not that excited about the rest of the process. I don't want to get all stretched out. I am almost 10 weeks and have told 3 people (husband, doctor, personal trainer) and have NO interest in telling anyone else. I do not want to be treated like a pregnant person and have to go through all of the annoying questioning. Is it possible to keep it a secret until, say, the 8th month??? Because I haven't told anyone, my only pregnant contacts have been on and they make me want to puke more than anything else. Thanks for letting me rant on here.

Anonymous said...

I get what you all mean! I couldn't wait to get pregnant and now I live out in the boonies with my husband; and a mile from my in-laws. I'm 14 weeks and am vomiting more than the last 13 weeks, not to mention now I have heartburn that is pretty much untouched by Zantac. Everyone is so freaking excited for me including my mother in law who was by-the-way never sick a day in any of her 4 pregnancies with her FOUR boys...labor does not seem like the worst part of pregnancy yet...

Anonymous said...

I did a search on "pregnancy sucks" in google and your blog came up. I'm 6 weeks pregnant and feels awful. I can hardly eat anything and in the morning I throw up whatever I eat. I cannot even drink enough water coz that makes up throw up. This whole thing sucks...thanks for your blog. I'm not the only one is feeling this way.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the honesty. Being in denial sucks more than being pregnant! Don't get me wrong I love that I'm going to have a baby. Nobody warned my about the suckiness of the process. I'm six weeks. I got sore boobs, mood swings and morning sickness. Thanks for letting me vent and I wish you all healthy babies and a less sucky pregnancy

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, thanks for this blog! This is NOT fun. I'm 7 weeks and I can't shake this nausea! I have violent chills and hot flashes until I can't sleep at night! The gas is HORRIBLE! Oh, and my DH. I can't stand his smell anymore. He keeps wanting to have sex but I can't bring myself to do it. AAARRRGGH! I'll be glad when this is over and I have my baby in my arms...

Anonymous said...

I agree. I feel truly awful. Sick all the time, and really tired. And I am finding all the 'earth mother' rubbish out there really annoying. All the people that say 'yes, my hips got permanently wider, and I have stretch marks, but it's OK, I'm proud of them, they're my battle scars'. All I want to say to those idiots is 'shut up you horrible person, it is not OK'.

Anonymous said...

Thank heavens for this blog! I did the same as many and searched pregnancy sucks! I am 10 weeks and swear I will never do this again. Aside from all the other crap, I have severe depression and don't know how to deal with it, talk therapy doesn't work, but I don't trust the meds out there because they are all eventually shown to cause one birth defect or another. I hate my life right now and can't wait for this crap to be over! I'm scared to death that depression will get worse, and have a funny feeling it will. I'm already looking in to sterilization for after!

Anonymous said...

I feel like i'm not even in my own body! First 2 pregnancies were great! Now married for the second time, hubby has been through pregnancy with 2 other women. He wanted me to have his child and wooed me into the beauty of a little "us". Now, 22 weeks along with his only son, he treats me worse than i could ever have imagined! Which maked me feel trapped, and against this child!! I feel totally alone and dont want this baby to come between myself and 2 children I already have! ADVICE: Don't divorce,,and if you do, dont remarry!! At least not if you have children!!

Anonymous said...

I thought I hated my first pregnancy because I was alone and mildly ashamed and absurdly scared about the whole situation. Once All the crappy effects of pregnancy went away (when my daughter was 6 months old) I enjoyed life again. I am now married and do want another child and I am excited for that part again, but MAN...PREGNANCY SUCKS. I have been either sick or in extreme pain this whole 32 weeks.
I feel for all you girls who hate this at 9-14 gets no better.
I really appreciate knowing that I am not the only woman out there who thinks we get a raw deal on this procreation thing.
thanks for the opportunity to vent.
good luck ladies. This sucks, but watching your child grow is awesome...way better seperate from your body..:)

Anonymous said...

Pregnancy is the WORST! I'm sure what ever little living creature is born from this experience will be worth it, BUT I will NEVER get pregnant again. 9 months is forever. I'm only 12 weeks and don't think I can take another evening/night of feeling awful and depressed. All of those crazy people who think pregnancy is joyful and glowy, then you can have my baby.

Anonymous said...

Look at how many mothers you made happy by posting your blog...I feel the exact same as you! Don't you love how you walk into a store and it smells bad so you have a nasty look on your face and the clerk is like "I'm going as fast as I can ma'am." Then you have to explain to them that your prego (which makes you feel like your gloating) and then they ask you how long your are and you tell them and they stare at you b/c its still really early in the pregnancy but your already showing...yeah. I hate the world right now and I'm cussing 10x's more than I was before, in turn, everyone stares at me like I'm a horrible mother already and I always get the feeling their thinking "wow, she's a bitch." Oh well, just a few more months right?

Anonymous said...

The comments about hating your husbands made me lol. Seriously. I can't stand my partner's breath either. And then I get accused of ignoring or neglecting. WTF?! I can't even stand when you touch me why would I want to touch you? We can have sex as long as you don't touch me and I don't have to move.
Whoever named it morning sickness must have been a man. I feel like I'm on a boat all day long and I can't get off.
Being pregnant sucks. I had my first ultrasound yesterday and I can't even stand to look at the picture because this baby makes me sick!!
And wtf why don't any of my pants fit? I'm only 8 weeks and I *literally* gained 6 pounds overnight.
I went on a vacation for a week last week and I swear people at work must think that I got a boob job because I am busting out of my shirt.

I just wish this sea-sick hangover would end. And I hope everyone is know the ones who say "it's all worth it" cuz right now I just want to puke on thier size 6 pants.

Anonymous said...

OMG I`m so happy to find this page. I was feeling so bad `cause all the people are so happy I`m pregnant beside me, who is throwing up non stop have pain, cant sleep and is sick. I was thinking soemthin g is wrong with me cause I`m not happy but now I see more of you feel the same way!I don`t hate my child but I hate being pregnant! I have no idea how people can say ìt`s magical time. sure hanging with the head above toilet is so magic... I am so tired of being sick and tired.

Laurel Moring said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laurel Moring said...

This is why Diclectin was invented ladies. Ask your doctor, you will never feel morning sickness again. Everyone I know that has been pregnant has used it and has healthy happy babies.

Melanie said...

While i totally agree with you, relly, because it works great for me. . . I can't take it during the day, as it puts me to sleep. It's great at night, though.

Cheyenne said...

I'm so glad im not alone. This is my first baby, and im thrilled and excited to meet my little boy but i cant STAND this anymore!! Im 33 weeks pregnant, and let me tell you, ive always strictly wanted no less than three kids. This might be my only child now. I'm NOT Happy in any way. I was a very small girl, five foot two inches and only 115lbs. NOTHING stops the stretch marks. I put lotion on LITERALLY five to seven times a day and im still completely covered in dark purple lines. I have always had a hard time gaining weight, its always freaked me out. and going from being small to weighing 164 IS NOT good on my selfesteem. especially since this wasnt a planned pregnancy. Sigh. it feels good to vent to someone, all of my pregnant friends LOVE it. -.-

miserable mom said...

pregnancy sucks,i hsve 2 kids and pregnant with my third ,i must have been out of my mind to try for a third apparently you kind of forget your horrible experience with previous pregnancies,i am sick all day ,tired have indigestion and heart burn,constipation and above all depression,i don't want to do anything and lie in bed all day feeling sorry for myself and guilty that i am not taking careproperly of my kids,my hubby or my house ,to be honest i almost wish i get a miscarriage i feel like a horrible mom already

Anonymous said...

I am 7 weeks pregnant for the first time. I feel sick everyday: Burping, passing gas, hiccups, peeing so much, nausea, fatigue, decrease in appetite, and constipation. My husband still wants to be intimate with me and I have to remind him how much I don't feel like doing it. Luckily, I have not vomited yet, but feel like it will happen soon. Saltine crackers, tangerines, and ginger ale somewhat help me feel temporarily less nauseous. Why does pregnancy have to suck this bad? I hope the end justifies the means. I'm miserable.

Anonymous said...

I am 13 weeks and have felt awwwwwwful the entire time. I have had nausea and vomiting since week 6... but it really got bad around week 8 and has stayed intense (vomiting 1-8 times every day, constant nausea, vomiting when I move too much, vomiting from smells, etc.). Since early on, I have not been able to stand the smell of my boyfriend. He recently has stopped smoking, which has helped, but things he eats affect his smell as well.

I pretty much can't stand the sight of him. I don't want to have sex at all (I've *never* felt like that before) and I am disgusted just by the sight of numerous things. I also have had bouts of heartburn, constipation, and terrible gas/bloating. They keep saying it should go away soon - but I threw up 7 times today. Ummmmm, yeah.

I have also had terrible depression and mood swings. I have a history of depression, and it has been pretty bad, very dark. I may not be able to stay with my boyfriend as it is such a stress to be around him. On top of all this, I am a student and have to start student teaching in a week and a half. Will it let up in time? It could last for nine months... I may be screwed.

Oh, and BTW, I also have tried Sea Bands, B6/unisom (aka Diclectin), Promethazine, and Zofran --- none of them worked at all and Zofran gave me a pounding 18-hour headache. Besides, what good are pills when you throw them up half the time anyway?

I'm very worried about how this will go, I'm worried about life/relationship/coping after the birth, I am worried about not being able to finish school. I'm in my 30's so I have some life experience, and I can tell you for sure that PREGNANCY SUUUUUUUUCKS! I hate it, hate it, hate it.

Gary said...

This is a video of my pregnant sister telling us how she really feels about pregnancy. It is relevant to what you wrote so I thought that if you like it you could share with with your readers.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited that you started this blog. I am having my second child, my son is three yrs old. Everyone said that 2nd pregnancies were easier. Well let me clarify that that is not the case for all women. My first pregnancy I was sick with nausea and migraines for 4.5 months. I am very active and was able to make myself excercise through the most part of my pregnancy. All I had to take care of was me! The second trimester was so much better thank God. THis time around I have a 3yr old to look after and that is a job all in itself. WOW no one told me how difficult it would be to be pregnant and have a toddler. I cant just worry about my needs he comes first. When I dont feel good I cant just lay in bed. I can relate to the pill popper bigtime. I have arthritis in both knees d/t running since the age of 16 and insomnia. Both issues I take meds for that can not be taken while pregnant. I can barely walk down the stairs somedays and sleeping forget it. MD says take Benadryl which is just no comparison the sleep meds I take. I guess I will be prepared when the baby comes home. I havent exercised in almost 5 weeks which is huge for me. I read articled of women who were running until they were 8 months pregnant..yah OK not this woman. I just feel depressed that I am not enjoying this more. I should be on the top of the world. We tried for 2 years before we got pregnant. I was just so hopeful it would be different when in fact so far it has been worse than the first time around. I am 11 wks and already feel huge. WAH. Hope this helps those who can relate to know someone else is feeling this way.

Anonymous said...

when i came across this blog i was sooooo HAPPY. real ppl do exist! im 9 weeks pregnant with my fourth child! i dont know whats up with this pregnancy but ive never experienced anything like what im going through now before. i cant keep any food down...everything taste funny even water! im irritated. time seems to be dragging. im not happy at all. i cant stand up for too long without feeling like im about to faint. i throw up as im attempting to prepare dinner, i even throw up in the shower! REALLY! i sleep ALL DAY! I only leave the house to take my oldest to school and to go get my mail. i can barely interact with my other kids.. i HATE everything and damn near everyone. ive never been chipper about my other pregnancies but damn this one has taken the cake. even the all of a sudden nightmares piss me off. i dont know if im gonna make it. tired of ppl telling me oh its okay you should consider yourself lucky...i just want to say ooohhhh shut the f*** up! ONLY 9 WEEKS IN AND IM DRAINED....THIS PREGNANCY SUCKS ON SO MANY much longer!

Anonymous said...

I just went through IVF to get pregnant and now I can't stand being pregnant. It's depressing. I already suffer from anxiety and not having control over my body or mind sucks. I feel so guilty that I'm not enjoying this, especially because it was so hard to get here in the first place. My acupuncturist said to me, 'This is why nobody tells you about all this while you're trying to conceive.' But, I mean, once you're pregnant, can't others, especially others who are currently pregnant let you in on the secret instead of being all rosy and full of bullshit?

I know I didn't make a mistake by going through IVF and I am extremely grateful that it was successful, but I still hate being pregnant. I think it's the contradiction of wanting a baby so bad but not enjoying pregnancy that makes me feel the worst.

Also, I think my husband must be eating poo when I'm not looking because his breath is the grossest smelling thing in the world.

Anonymous said...

bigI just went through IVF to get pregnant and now I can't stand being pregnant. It's depressing. I already suffer from anxiety and not having control over my body or mind sucks. I feel so guilty that I'm not enjoying this, especially because it was so hard to get here in the first place. My acupuncturist said to me, 'This is why nobody tells you about all this while you're trying to conceive.' But, I mean, once you're pregnant, can't others, especially others who are currently pregnant let you in on the secret instead of being all rosy and full of bullshit?

I know I didn't make a mistake by going through IVF and I am extremely grateful that it was successful, but I still hate being pregnant. I think it's the contradiction of wanting a baby so bad but not enjoying pregnancy that makes me feel the worst.

Also, I think my husband must be eating poo when I'm not looking because his breath is the grossest smelling thing in the world.

Anonymous said...

Wow, reading these blogs and researching what I am in-for if I did get pregnant makes me not want to do it at all! Those who find pregnancy awesome and beautiful are outright lying to you, it's horrible with morning sickness, aches and pains all the time having to pee constantly and all of that. Not to mention what I would be predisposed to medically - gestational diabetes (I am overweight) post partum depression (I have been diagnosed as depressed already) and I already retain water like crazy!!

Honestly, other than the pre- programmed notion to breed, I don't know WHY in HELL women go through this, and do it repeatedly!! I hope this never happens to me!!
Believe me I have told my fiancee that I don't want to go through this, and how much of a bitch I will turn into (he calls me moody now when I am PMSing) and how he won't be able to touch me. As for sex, I'm not going to want to give it out (if I don't when I am PMSing is any precursor) and he won't want it, from what I have heard, you leak more out of your va jay-jay, he will be grossed out anyway.

Sorry I had to rant, ugh I hate people pushing me to have a kid, I don't care! I know what I am getting into and I already hate it!

FuzzyMug said...

I went through fertility stuff, too, and ended up taking Clomid to help get pregnant after several miscarriages. I wanted to get pregnant more than anything and, although I am thrilled that we will be having twins in a few months, I totally feel like crap. I have no lovely pregnancy glow...just gas, bloating, nausea and vomiting that is getting worse as I enter my 2nd trimester. These women that claim to feel beautiful and fantastic when pregnant must be f'n liars. I just want to go to sleep and wake up in a few months when it's all over. Hibernation pregnancy would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Thank God!!! Reading all of your comments has made me feel the best I have felt in weeks. I'm only 9 weeks and am already over the whole pregnancy thing. This sucks, this sucks!! I wish my husband could understand what i'm going through, he tells me to "just push through it". Easy for him to say. I hate hangovers and this is like having a hangover every day, all day long.

Anonymous said...

OMG - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting this!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a relief to find this blog! I have hated every single minute of pregnancy. I was sick as a dog for 20 weeks, then immediately after came the sciatica. Now I can't freakin' breathe, feel like my uterus is going to fall out, and my back and hips hurt all the time. This child has taken over my body and my life and I feel totally resentful. I also want to punch the next person who beams at me and says, "But there is a great prize at the end." You mean the sore nipples and hemmroids??

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I googled "pregnancy sucks" too. This is just what I needed to hear. I have been crying like a school girl from guilt about my feelings. I love this baby but not what is happening to my body. I am 15 weeks an for 9 weeks I have dealt with nausea, vommiting, constipation, body aches, bladder leakage, illness, and recently round ligament pain! In total, I have lost 15 pounds and every time I vomit (at least once a day) I break blood vessels in my face. If that wasn't enough, let's thrown in the constant worry about our unborn child not being born healthy. I'm fortunate to not have to work but I have also not left my house in weeks. My husband is in the military and is gone. I'm over a thousand miles away from my closest family. OH YES! This sucks! Ha ha! Thanks again for posting this blog. I now feel better just venting amongst good company =)

Anonymous said...

After 7 miscarriages you would think that I would be over the moon about being pregnant, and there is that tiny flicker of candle hope that this one will make it past 14 weeks and won't be a helmet baby due to my age (38) Yeah yeah there ARE hundreds of fucking beautiful women having very healthy babies well into their 40's these days dear but let me explain...I WASN"T READY TO EVEN BEGIN THINKING ABOUT TRYING AGAIN YET. I'm still in therapy for loosing the last one. Now I'm back to cramping, lightning tits, so damn tired I can fall asleep mid sentence, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh sorry about that, and every time I sneeze because of all the congestion, I pee just a little. just enough to feel like I'm back in first grade when my bitch teacher made me pee my pants because we were only allowed to use the toilet once per day. My number one bitch--- Being pregnant makes you stupid! That's right I have a hard time following a sentence all the way to the end. I can't read more than 3 sentences before I fall asleep, and I really don't figure I could think my way out of a wet paper bag right now. I don't want to talk about baby crap to my friends, and I'm already tired of hearing about the kids they already have! I don't want to see or hear about another "the day our angel came into the world" from some damn hippy who only gained 12 pounds through her whole pregnancy! I gained 12 pounds in each tit already and I'm still in the first trimester! WTF!!!! Don't get me wrong, I want the kid, even if does need to wear a helmet, but after 7 goes, if this one doesn't work out- I'm going to China and getting a take-away-baby. All the best to you ladies, it sucks, there's not a damn thing you can do about it, and yeah, there's a baby at the end to look forward to, but isn't that seriously a fucked up consolation prize? "Well done Madame! You've made it through 40 weeks of unending bullshit, and here's a little person to suck away all your money free time and ambition for the next 18-30 years...

Anonymous said...

Everyone said pregnancy is a beautiful thing...well I say, shut up about your easy pregnancies. This is the worst feeling in my life. Pretty close to when I was in the hospital for a week, close to death because of severe food poisoning. I'm only at 8 weeks, and I have no idea how I'm going to make it to week 40. I'm down sick with a cold, my normal back aches have intensified by 50, I can't eat anything because it makes me sick, my body aches, headaches all the time, can't sleep, and no one understands.

Anonymous said...

When I was pregnant with my first, I had a headache every day until I delivered and threw up 8+ times a day for 8 months. Not to mention the noise sensitivity, food aversions, tiredness, etc. Then people told me that my second pregnancy would be different and guess what? I'm only 6 weeks and my 24/7 headaches and throwing up (7+ times a day), food aversions are back. I feel horrible, how am I going to get through these next several months? I feel bad, I'm mad at the baby and I know it's not his/her fault, I just HATE HATE HATE being pregnant!! I tried Psi Bands for nausea but those didn't work. I've tried ginger gum, wrapping my head with an ace bandage, soaking my head in epsom salt but nothing is helping these symptoms! I am so not doing this again!!

Anonymous said...

WOW didn't any of you Google "Pregnancy" before you got pregnant. "Happy mommies" come from strong people who realized what they were getting themselves into before they did it. My wife is 36 weeks and it is just now starting to get bad. So far our experience with pregnancy has been good and so we are "Happy Parents" but not everyone's experience is the same.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who Posted just before me..... Of course we know that life isn't all rosy for everyone and not every pregnancy is great for everyone, but do you think telling people that just should have googled pregnancy to realize what we're getting ourselves into helps AT ALL when you're feeling terrible.

I'm a doctor and my husband and I had to go through
IVF to conceive this very much wanted baby, so I think
I'm aware what pregnancy can be like when it goes bad. But that doesn't mean it doesn't help to hear about and talk to other people having a tough time too.

I developed moderate to severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome from IVF which half filled my lungs with fluid, filled my abdomen with fluid, deranged my liver function and electrolytes and had me on best rest for 2 months. On top of that I've had terrible 'morning' sickness and have not been able to eat much between the nausea and vomiting. Now that the hyperstimulation is just settling down I have developed dizziness from dropping blood pressure and reflux so bad it means I'm swallowing acid back down a few times every hour and constantly in pain.

This baby is wanted. But that doesn't mean I have to appreciate feeling so sick or being off work for so long
when we really can't afford it, as I'm the primary earner and IVF isn't cheap, neither is pregnancy or the kid at
the end of it all.

Not all of us have the option to adopt (we live in Australia and there are no countries which Australia is
paired with that will accept us due to my husbands history of leukemia). I think getting a baby without IVF and pregnancy would be GREAT!

I hate everyone trying to tell me about their fantastic pregnancies which they loved and felt great throughout. Do they really not see that not everyone is so lucky?!?

Frankly your comment is condescending and rude. Congratulations on your wife's fantastic pregnancy. Realize you are lucky and that not everyone gets such a great time of it.

Kari said...

I'm 30 years old and 28 weeks on my first (and after this ONLY) pregnancy. No one told me it would be this hard, all my friends and family told me how wonderful their pregnancies were, all the books I read talked about how wonderful you'd feel after the morning sickness ended...They lied. Throughout my pregnancy I've dealt with depression (which I haven't really had to deal with before), severe hip and joint pain from worsening arthritis, pain from sciatica, roller coaster blood sugar even though the tests show I'm not diabetic, constant and unending exhaustion coupled with the inability to stay asleep due to severe hip and back pain and a tiny bladder (yes I take my vitamins, yes I eat bananas, yes I've tried hot showers and lukewarm baths AND yoga AND walking AND Tylenol AND Ambien which my doctor put me on and BTW it doesn't work AND no I can't afford a chiropractor but I have tried massage and THAT was a no go as well) and on top of all that dealing with the feeling that I am no longer myself, that I'm just the vessel carrying around the person everyone REALLY wants to see...Hell my own mother-in-law doesn't even acknowledge me first during greetings!!! She hugs my stomach and talks to the baby before she even tells me hi!!!! Everyone I talk to is "how's the baby" before they even get to telling me hello!!! Yes I wanted this child, yes I want to be a mother, but I STILL WANT TO BE ME. I'm so tired of being tired and in pain and depressed and my doctor just shrugs and says "suck it up, it's part of being pregnant." Thank you so much for writing this blog, I was starting to feel like I was the only one who felt like pregnancy was a torture, no one I know understands what I'm going through right now because they all had their kids when they were still fit and functional and in high school.....I don't think they even remember what pregnancy feels like anymore....I just can't wait for her to be born and I can get on with being a Mommy and get over being Preggers....

Michele said...

This is my first pregnancy and I'm 11 week along. I can honestly say that I have never been this miserable in my life! We found out about the pregnancy Jan 2nd and a few days later, the "morning" sickness started. So sick I could barely move. Throwing up multiple times a day. And this lasted until last week. Finally I'm not feeling quite as sick anymore, and it's been about a week without throwing up. But it's still no fun at all...all the stuff going through my head is a nightmare! I actually worry in my sleep. I worry about what Medicaid covers and what it doesn't. I worry about if I'm even going to be a good mom, because even though I've dreamed of being a mom my whole life, I'm so uncomfortable being pregnant, that it's hard to be excited. I worry about how all this worry is affecting my baby. I worry about how claustrophobic I feel. I worry about how depressed I've been getting. And I'm honestly looking forward to this just being over so I can be myself again instead of this unfun, overly emotional, crazy person. I want to be me again. I miss how my relationship with my fiance use to be. And I don't like how this pregnancy is affecting me, or our relationship. Only 204 days left! *sigh* Please let this go by quickly!!!

Anonymous said...

I (secretly) feel the same way. This is my first pregnancy so I was very excited at the beginning - before I realized how awful it is. The nausea, cramping, back pain,awful taste in my mouth, and inability to get comfortable at night are really taking a toll on my life. I constantly feel like sh!t...I want my life back. Nobody ever told me it was this awful.

Pushing 40 and TTC said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Omg i feel so happy that every women is really speaking how i feel.
I am 31 years old, wanted this pregnancy but so far its been a nightmare.
Morning sickness and now heartburn Pains in my pelvic bone.
I have got constent heartburn and it sucks. When the baby moves it feels like i have worms.
EVERY women i have spoken too lied about this whole experience, and i wont be trusting them about the labour and birthing situation, so i am currently planning a c section.
I wont trust another women telling me nonsense about pregnancy
This article really made me feel atleast i am not alone in this feeilng like toture.x
30 weeks ten more weeks too go and counting pregnancy sucks. seriously never felt so depressed in all my life.:(

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this blog. I am 30 weeks pregnant feeling like I was the only one out there suffering. The only thing I don't think anyone mentioned was the big feet problem, because of swelling and looser joints none of my shoes fit me anymore - oh and any advice on how to cut toenails you can't see because of your belly or inability to bend and reach them.

Jamie said...

I am SUPER late on commenting on this, but I'm almost 8 weeks in and I already HATE it. Nausea/vomiting so bad, I had to get on Zofran ALREADY. And the constipation that comes along with taking THAT pill so I don't vom everywhere is just as bad. Lesser of the 2 evils, I guess. All the pregnant women (past, present and future) who say they "loved being pregnant" either are liars or forgot how awful it is. Sorry, Baby To Come, but this sucks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your honesty. Pregnancy sucks! I want to enjoy life again.

Anonymous said...

This is so great. I'm 37 weeks pregnant and wish I had come across this blog MONTHS ago. These posts are hilarious and real. I can't wait to have this baby, and I really do feel a lot of love for the baby already (blah, blah, blah), but let's get real - pregnancy SUCKS. And I've had a pretty good pregnancy with all things considered- no vomiting, no water retention, didn't develop diabetes. But my Lord this has been the longest 37 weeks of my life.

For the last 37 weeks I have had no soft cheeses, no hot tubs, no sushi, overcooked meat, no cookie dough, no cold cuts, no canned tuna, no shellfish, NO WINE (this was a SERIOUS killer for me), and very limited medication. I don't get sick often, but when I do I have absolutely no problem taking something that makes me feel better. Why on earth would I suffer? Anyway, you all know the list goes on and on with limitations and restrictions of all the things we love to consume. Oh, now in case depriving us of amazing food and drink wasn't enough, lets throw in some unpredictable and uncontrollable intense emotions! Never in my life have I been confused, cried, screamed, laughed excessively, and then cried a little more all in the span of about two minutes because the cling wrap kept getting stuck to itself. And if those kinds of experiences are not unpleasant enough, how about gaining a crapload of super dense weight that eventually makes it an olympic sport to get out of bed when you have to pee for the 14th time that night. Still feeling like you can handle it? Well did I mention that around 7pm when your Saturday night is DONE because you're so exhausted from your thrilling day of eating broccoli and reorganizing your cupboards, you head to bed only to find yourself hunched over with a freakishly long and painful leg cramp, accompanied of course by excruciating lower back pain (guess you over did it today with all that reorganizing!).

And of course there's the random acne, funky smells from all sorts of places on your body, varicose veins on your legs from the extra pressure, and (we can't leave this one out) S T R E T C H marks. Lovely.

So, you can imagine (I hope) how hard I want to punch women in the face who tell me how wonderful pregnancy is. Don't get me wrong at all - I can't wait for my daughter and I know the end result of all this is worth it, but can we all understand something here? Admitting pregnancy sucks does not reflect how you will be as a mother!! So let's cut the BS, call a spade a spade, and at the very least, have a few good laughs of how much this sucks.

- Michelle

Anonymous said...

OMG! Yes! Nothing prepares you. It really really sucks! I fart all the time, I'm vomiting, I'm bloated and I shat myself. Yes, that's right. I have no magical glow. I am just disgusting.

Elle said...

Thanks so much for posting this blog and thanks to all those who commented before me. I, too, Googled "pregnancy sucks" and found this blog. I hate being pregnant. I feel like my body isn't mine. My boyfriend asked me why I don't want to have sex anymore and I told him that I don't even masturbate. He asked, "Why?" and I asked him, "I don't feel like its my vagina anymore. If some other guy's penis were attached to your body, would you want to touch it?" I wish someone would have told me how wretched this experience is. I would still be a virgin.

Allison said...

Thank God for this blog. I'm 29 weeks, high risk for pre-term labor, on bed rest and have gestational diabetes. I'm so miserable I want to cry and scream all the time. My husband's mere presence ticks me off, and I'm totally over people giving the pitiful "Poor Allison" look. I will do what I can to make sure my daughter is fine, but I will NEVER do this again. I've said that to a few people (mostly women) and they laugh it off and say I'll forget it after the baby's born, as if my own opinions weren't that important. I'm getting so tired of people telling me that I'm just focusing on all the bad stuff instead of the baby. I'm very curious why so many women (usually those with more than 1 kid) can't handle other women not liking being pregnant. Pregnancy really does suck for some people.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Yes! Thank-you all! I'm 6 weeks pregnant. I'm generally a glass-half full, Pollyanna kind of person..Well, no more! I hate. I hate. I feel like a tigress that would bash people's heads into the cement for being idiots. Before pregnancy I was one of the most tolerant people I knew..

My boyfriend is out of town right now. I don't answer the phone when he calls. I rehearse how I'm going to break up with him. He wants to get married and set up a family. Thinking about all that makes my nausea a lot worse.

I'm afraid that these anger hormones will negatively affect my baby. He/she might come out as a real out of control individual. I feel guilty about it and tell myself "it's mind over matter" and that "I'm responsible for augmenting my own feelings" and "I can't allow myself to feel like I'm a victim to the hormones". This steeling of the self helps only temporarily. I feel myself sliding back into the brewing abyss of hell.

The other day I broke down and had sushi., just to spite the universe. I loved it! Then, yesterday, I ordered a turkey sandwich with Brie on it. Yum. I haven't tried red wine yet but I hear those women in France imbibe everyday and their babies are just fine. I'm feeling like this baby will be strong if it survives my "wild" living.

I'm tired of all the scaredy-cat propaganda American pregnant women have to bear on top of the already impossible task and responsibility of making a human being. You are screwed if you do and screwed if you don't type of advice.


BellaDay said...

I love thus blog. I was so excited to see that I wasn't the only one to google "pregnancy sucks". I am only 11 weeks and miserable. I can't seem to get happy about anything. In a Christian women who lives everyone but now days I find myself cursing the people on reality shows. I have sharp pains in my huge breast (which I'm so sick of my husband drooling over). I can't sleep at night, I'm extremely exhausted, I itch all night so I take a billion showers , everything smells especially my bedding so I wash and clean it every other day and I still hate the smell. Oh, did I mention I was depressed. My husband is an idiot bc he doesn't understand and looks at me like I'm faking. I can't fit anything, I'm nauseous if I don't eat but feel sick if I just eat a little, heartburn, and everybody gets on my nerves. This is my third pregnancy and I keep thinking...what the heck have I gotten myself onto!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been trying to get pregant for almost 3 years. Finally, it has happened! Problem= I cant stop throwing up, feel sick ALL the time, pain in my legs and joints and Im only 7 weeks.... I dont know how I am going to make it 33 more weeks. Im about to have a break down. I feel so miserable. Im so happy to know Im going to be having a baby but Im not thrilled about all these side effects. This will be the only child for me at this rate. Pregnanct sucks big time....

Anonymous said...

My husband was feeling bad for me because I expressed to him that I felt guilty that I wasn't one of those women who was just "in love" with being pregnant. This is our 3rd pregnancy, we unfortunately lost our 2nd at 20 weeks. There was of course so many emotions that went into losing our 2nd child. However, one that I feel the most guilty about was the fact that I had put my body through 20 weeks of vomiting, mood swings, headaches, constipation, etc. and then had no little baby at the end to hold and say, "Well that was worth it." Now on my 3rd pregnancy I'm only about 8 weeks, but I'm already dreading every moment. It's hard to be around women who almost seem happier for me about being pregnant then I do. It's also hard because I don't always know who to complain to. I don't want to get judged by girlfriends and I don't want to burden my husband--because he is dealing with enough when it comes to the mood swings and all. Thanks everyone for making me feel like I'm not the only one that thinks pregnancy is not all that it's cracked up to be.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Thank you all so much for your honesty, this blog is enlightening. I'm not pregnant and what I feared about it is all true and there was a lot that I didn't know about. I sent this blog to my mum and she said that it was all true for her too. Scary. Thanks again and I hope things got better for all of you. Xo

Anonymous said...

Dear survivalist,
Pregnancy does suck. I'm on my tenth week with my first. Vomiting, nausea, tired, bloating.ect. iv got it and I hate it. I want to just go run eat drink what I want. I currently a fighting the stomach flu and pregnant! Gah life sucks. Hoping that someone out there has actually said they hate and amazed I find a bunch of women feeling just like me. For all those mothers out there saying they love being pregnant...I swear I wanna just punch u...I don't want to do a count own bc it will only take longer. I'm also in the military and I tell u I've never done anything as worste as being pregnant. This is my first and my last!
With great ewwys.
Pregnant lady

Anonymous said...

So glad I found this site!!! I am 16 weeks and I hate pregnancy. Nothing prepares you for the physical attack on your body and mind. If I had known I'd feel this crappy, I would have adopted.

To the JACKWAGON who posted and asked if we women googled pregnancy before we decided to have a baby...I'd like to give you my bloating, nausea, headaches, gas, swollen breast, and pelvic pain for just one day! To top it all off, my mother is worried about me because I'm not enjoying this beautiful experience of being pregnant. F' that, I want my life back...I'd like to feel like putting makeup and heels on again not yoga pants and a constant ponytail. My flat iron has not seen the light of day in 2 months.

At first I struggled with the guilt of not feeling happy and blessed. Now, I just tell everyone the truth when I ask if I am excited about being pregnant. I am NOT GLOWING and I hate being pregnant.

I look forward to the week we finally have the baby home and this nightmare is over. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who lets me complain and still loves me after I fart under the!

Anonymous said...

I'm 16 weeks pregnant and it still feels crappy. Now a nasal congestion and headaches kill me. This all is not how I pictured it before getting pregnant. I feel bad physically and emotionally and don't have energy to get out of the house, shower, do my make up etc. I'm terrified because it looks like my life is over, and after the labor is going to be even worse because of lack of sleep. Now at least I can sleep whenever I want to.

Anonymous said...

I am 20 years old and this is my first pregnancy. I am only in my 7th week and this pregnancy has been one of the worst experiences of my life.

Anonymous said...

So happy I found this site and there are others feeling the same way. I am nine weeks pregnant, have been keeping my pregnancy a secret from many, mainly because I am not really interested in the response of "you must be so happy, congratulations!" - happy happy, I have never been more miserable in my life, one month of nausea and vomiting and don't even get me started on that metallic taste in my mouth - it is driving me bonkers, it is bad enough that I can't eat so many foods or have wine, but to ruin the taste of all other foods is just so cruel. Almost a quarter of the way through, and I am actually looking forward to labour!

Anonymous said...

I'm 22 and 7 weeks pregnant. I have never puked so much in my life. I completely understand. I hate being pregnant already, and I only fear it is going to get worse. I hate my boyfriend half the time. I feel like he just can't fathom what is going on. My back is killing me, my boobs, GOD my boobs I want to slice them off. I don't sleep for more than 4 hours at a time because I'm waking up sick. I want my baby but why can't this be just a little easier.

Anonymous said...

After two years of trying to get pregnant, 3 miscarraiges plus losing the twin to the child im carrying now...i wonder why in the hell I wanted this so badly. Everyone around me was popping out babies so easily n gloriously and I was so jealous that I kept miscarrying. Im currently 35 weeks and havent had one single glorious day like I witnessed other ppl experience. First four months I suffered with hyperemesis to where I had to be hospitalized and nourished through a pic line. Nausea has stuck around the whole pregnancy but the excessive vomiting slowed down the end of the fouth month. Only to get ritual heartburn that kept me from sleeping and nothing helped relieve it. Now ive been in bedrest for 10 weeks due to highblood pressure, past three days have been having constant pain/contractions to the point I had to get an injection to stop them. NEVER will I get pregnant again, one child is plenty for me. I feel guilty that im so angry with my experience n seriously wish I could slap the ppl in the face that are like "oohh you'll forget all your misery once you hold that little one" sorry but im one that tends to remember past miserys n do what I can to keep myself from repeating them! Thank you all for admitting your misery too! All of you still in your first trimester...i sympathize with you n hope dearly that things change for the better but be prepared for things to get worse not better :(

Anonymous said...

Ladies, you've just made my day. I guiltily googled "pregnancy sucks," and all of your wonderful comments poured on to my screen. We are all in the same boat and we are all to one degree or another feel cheated out of a supposedly "glorious" experience that the pregnancy was supposed to be. GIMME A BREAK!!! I feel invaded, changed, altered in every possible way. I love the fact that my little one is on the way, but there ain't nothing pleasant about the journey. My new beige shoes make me nauseous! I don't know whyyyy!! :( I think I'm going out of my mind, but literally every time I think of them I need to adjust my breathing. They are gorgeous by the way and they were inexpensive so there is no logical explanation behind this one. The worst part is that I am still in week 7, so I have to keep making lame-a** excuses for my less than cheery disposition.


Anonymous said...

Thank the high heavens for this. I'm only a little over 7 weeks and have already been hospitalized for dehydration! I have hyperemesis Gravadarum. Everything stinks!!!! I am breathing out of my mouth for fear of smelling something smelly! I have too much saliva and I sometimes drool. I'm always tired! I can sleep all day when I'm off. I've burst a blood vessel in my eye which has me looking like a battered female. I can't eat anything besides yogurt and applesauce. I really hate my life right now.

Caito said...

Pregnancy SUCKS!!!!Im so glad to have found other people say so!
Im 25 weeks and have been really sick 24/7 since 5 weeks. I am on zofran that limits the vomiting but im incredibly nauseous 24/7 and have headaches all the time ranging from a bad headache to migraine. The zofran has bad side effects of headaches and constipation but i have to take it or am constantly vomiting.
I can't do anything except sit on the couch and feel sick. Im incredibly tired all the time but have trouble sleeping.
No-one understands how sick i am and i feel guilty for not being able to go to social events and see my friends and family. If i do drag myself to something its a massive effort and im no fun and not myself so theres no point even being there and i feel worse afterwards.
Ive tried everything that has ever been mentioned to help- ginger, dry biscuits, sea bands, acupuncture, osteopath, naturopath and nothing has helped even the slightest bit.
I knew i would be uncomfortable during pregnancy and expected to be sick in the first trimester but had no idea it would be this hard and this awful and go for this long! I dont know anyone who has been this sick during their pregnancy. Everyone says it will all be worth it when the baby comes but its hard to imagine anything being worth all this. And ill have to do it all again as we definitely dont want to have only one child

i know im lucky to be able to get pregnant and that there are people worse than me that end up in hospital throughout their pregnancies but it sucks so much and is so hard!!!

Anonymous said...

16 Weeks with my first and hating it. All my feelings for my boyfriend have been replaced with irritation, hatred or indifference, I get really turned on but the idea of touching him makes me want to become a monk. I have also been replaced 90% of the time with an evil twin that can only say mean stuff. PINK CLOUD??????? That's either a myth or women all on flipping' Valium or getting paid huge sums to lie through their teeth about how great it is by what must be the Reproduction Agency. Not impressed.

Katty said...

Thanks for sharing the facts about Pregnancy. I am in my 13th week and I feel so tired and low all the time. I feel lonely and and after reading this, I was happy to have so many in the same boat as I am.... I know there is no one out there to hear my complain, even if I wanted to. I usually lie saying, "I am fine", because I know Nobody can make me feel good.

Katty said...

Thanks for sharing the facts about Pregnancy. I am in my 13th week and I feel so tired and low all the time. I feel lonely and and after reading this, I was happy to have so many in the same boat as I am.... I know there is no one out there to hear my complain, even if I wanted to. I usually lie saying, "I am fine", because I know Nobody can make me feel good.

Katty said...

Thanks for sharing the facts about Pregnancy. I am in my 13th week and I feel so tired and low all the time. I feel lonely and and after reading this, I was happy to have so many in the same boat as I am.... I know there is no one out there to hear my complain, even if I wanted to. I usually lie saying, "I am fine", because I know Nobody can make me feel good.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone my Name is Laura from United States of America, I quickly want to use this media to appreciate and thanks God for using priest JAYEMA to help me with his roots and herbs for making me a complete woman, who can now be called a mother after 9 years of marriage without having any child but today the Lord has use priest JAYEMA to help me with his herbal medicine and now i am a mother of twins .are you a stander trying to conceive email priest JAYEMA his web site or email him via

Anonymous said...

Junan after many years of marriage with a wonderful husband no child until God use prince Onome to help me with his roots and herbs , first i thought the testimonies i see about prince how he help women to conceive was not real but now i have confirm it my self with full assurance there is nothing God can not do thank you once again prince Onome for your can email him or call via>>>( or call +2347060458342

Unknown said...

My appreciation to priest obom that great roots and herbs man from west Africa. for the great help for making me pregnant today after 11years of barrenness and all the insult from my husbands and his family for not able to conceive and have a child for my lovely husband,i thought all hope was lost until i saw how a woman testify from Canada how priest obom of helped her get pregnant after she has taking his roots and herbs. i don't know how to say thank you priest obom, i will forever grateful for your help. reach priest obom for help to get pregnant and have a baby of your own on (

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Oh this blog saved me….i am pregnant with my first and in NO way am that happy dewy mother that everyone around me is surprised to discover…i.e. my mother!!! I googled "pregnancy fucking sucks" and vowed to make my own blog if nothing came up. I also have been very quick to pop a glorious pill to deal with life's aches, pains, anxieties, act….so amazing!!! Except when your preggo you can do NOTHING and if you do the judgment commences. So excited to be a mom, have this baby, love it, kiss it, everything….but this pregnancy thing is overrated…if only i was rich and could get a surrogate. Holy moly expensive wine will be poured the minute this lil one is out of me….

Anonymous said...

I know this thread is old, but I feel the need to vent. Pregnancy sucks!! I will be a FTM, am 34 and 26 weeks pregnant. The first trimester was filled with nausea and weight loss. The second started with 6 weeks of bronchitis, kidney stones, and at 16 weeks a complete placenta previa diagnosis that, as of 23 weeks, had not moved. I am now out of work (am a nurse that works 12 hour shifts) due to early contractions. My hips hurts, thighs are numb, constant pressure when I walk (I'm 5'4, was 120lbs when I got pregnant and have a very short torso). Gah, it feels so good to rant! Oh, and heartburn so bad I must be giving birth to Chewbacca! I love this baby so much already and always feel so guilty about complaining but dang, it's been hard. Thank you for providing an honest, open forum so that us loving, but uncomfortable mommas can vent!

Unknown said...

I really want to thank priest Onome for the great work he did for me. after 2years of my marriage i and my husband was really desperate to have our own child but it was very hard we have seek for so many advice on how i can conceive and have my child but none of them work for me. but through the help of great priest Onome whose email address is i was able to conceive 3weeks after him has send me a parcel mix of roots and herbals drugs. With so much joy in my heart i and my husband want to recommend priest Onome to everyone that has been looking for help for a long time to conceive to kindly contact priest Onome to help you with his roots and herbals drugs, contact him via his email address

Unknown said...

wow am very happy today because i never thought am going to get pregnant after so many years of bareness, me and my husband have been into several treatment and nothing came out good from it until i came across Priest Onome email address of in the internet on how a man is sharing his own story on how Priest Onome help him to increase his chance of get his wife pregnant through the roots and herbs drugs Priest Onome prepared and sent to him ,although when i contacted him i was thinking Priest Onome will prepare me a roots and herbs but my story was different ,when he consulted his oracle the oracle told him to cast a pregnancy spell for me and today am very happy that am 3 weeks pregnant, thank you so much Priest Onome for all you have done to bring happiness into my home ,contact him today via his email :

Unknown said...

am still telling the whole world about Priest Onome on what he did for me and my family, i never believed that am going to get pregnant again until my friend introduce him to me that he help her to get pregnant after 13yrs of bareness, and i deeply take the risk and faith that he will surly help me too to get pregnant and today make it a month Priest Onome of cast a pregnancy spell for me and am 2weeks pregnant , thanks you so much Priest Onome and my friend Lorena who introduce Priest Onome for me, for more information about Priest Onome, hurry now and contact him for help via his email :

Anonymous said...

I want to use this medium to tell the world how happy i am for what Dr Omar did for me with the help of his root and herbs after 6 years of marriage no child i have tried every means to get a child and i have been to may places until my colleague introduced me to Dr Omar to me how he has help others with his roots and herbs even when your tubes are tied he still have the roots to untied the tubes,i hardly believe because i have also tried some herbs before there was know good result but i just said let give a trier surprisingly i got pregnant a month after the herbs was taking as i was instructed and the exact time given to me by Dr Omar .last two weeks God bless me with a baby boy with the help of Dr Omar roots and herbs for other stander out there never you give up because there is still hope for you,the God that help me with Dr Omar herbs will also help you . thanks you once again Dr Omar for your help...( +2348158429023)


Unknown said...

my name is pascal from New zealand, am here to share this testimony on how me and my wife was able to be come parents. we tried for so many years to become parents but there was no success of child bearing. We went to different hospitals but they keep saying the same thing that i was the problem and my wife was perfectly okay. One day i decided to try traditional and spiritual help, i contacted a man who i came across on the internet called [DR ODOGUN] of i ask him for help and he told me that i was the cause of my wife inability to bear a child. I became more confuse and worried and at this time my wife was making moves for a divorce. I told the man everything and he decided to help me, he told me he is going to help me by either casting a spell or given me traditional medicine to drink, that i should decide on which one to take. At the end of the day i choose the spell casting because i wanted my wife to see it as a miracle because she was a strong christian. I did all he ask me to do and i got all the results i needed without my wife knowing and today am a father. Thanks to DR ODOGUN i will forever be grateful sir.

Unknown said...

am till sharing the good news on how Priest Onome help me to get pregnant after 7 years of marriage without a baby, i and my husband have done different type of treatment but none came out with good result until i came across Priest Onome emails address ( in a website on how he help a woman to get pregnant , i took his name and his email address do a search on him and i find out that Priest Onome his real and have help a lot of people who are looking for the fruit of the womb , so i discuss it with my man and we gave him a try provide him money for items and he cast a pregnancy spell for me and instruct me when to sleep with my husband and we carryout his instruction which make me pregnant for my husband . thanks you Priest Onome for the great help you have done in my life to have a baby.

Anonymous said...

my husband of 9years left me just because i could not give him A child, i did all i could to make sure i give him a child, i even went to an extent of forcing him to have sex with me every night but could not work. not untill one evening when i was browsing through the internet, i saw a comment on how a woman in same problem like mine was made home by A man called Dr onofe. i read about him and decided to contact him for help, i did as he ask me to do but i was still wondering how can someone just bring back my love he don't even know but i keep doing as he ask me to do. i was very surprise one morning my husband came and started begging me to come back to his life. at first i pretend to be angry then i accepted him back. Dr onofe also cast a spell for me to make me have children and as i speak right now i am a mother with 3kids. if there is any one out there who needs his help you can contact him through his personal EMAIL: i wish you good luck

Stella said...

If you want to get pregnant and you need a child please contact this great man called Dr.Oniha, this man is so powerful that he has the power to make one pregnant immediately after contacting him. i contacted him few days ago for help and now i am pregnant what a great miracle i could not conceived before but after contacting him my story changed for good so if you need his help contact him now on ( or call him at (+2347052534659). contact him today and get pregnant in the nest 48hrs.

Unknown said...

Are you need help to solve your infertility problem or to get pregnant?
contact Priest Onome on this email ( have been trying for years to get pregnant but it did not work for me, so i needed help, i have been going to the doctors but still nothing. The doctor said that me and my husband are fine and I don’t know where else to turn. Until one day my friend introduce me to this Africa man call Priest Onome, who help her get pregnant, So I decided to contact this man Priest Onome on his email ( after interaction with him he instructed me on what to do, after then i should have sex with my husband or any man I love in this world, And i did so, within the next one months i went for a check up and my doctor confirmed that i am 2weeks pregnant of two babies. I am so happy!! if you also need help to get pregnant please contact his email address:, I am now a mother of twins.
He will also do it for you. THANKS

Anonymous said...

Oh man! As I lay here with literally 12 pillows in strategic positions, and I'm still the most uncomfortable and tired I've been in my life, I'm glad to find a let-it-all-out-honey blog!
I have such bad migraines and nausea that I almost ended up in the ER two nights ago. I either have diarrhea or constipation...there's no in-between. Did I mention that no sleep positions are comfortable? None. So the only way I can fall asleep is by sheer exhaustion. But above all this, is the worry that something bad will happen to my pregnancy (as has happened before) I just want to lay in one place and let the baby peacefully"bake" for 40 weeks, but of course that just makes me acutely focus on how awful I'm feeling. I'm 16 weeks today. Thanks for letting me join the yucky poo poo club!! :-)

Unknown said...

i want to tell all the women in the world with no child that there is hope for you all, because i was also a barren woman, i had no child for the past 8 years and i contacted my doctor and he told me that there is no way on earth that i can ever getting pregnant, because of my previous abortion i did for my ex husband, so i was confused and my husband was tired and told me that we should adopt a child, so i was so sad in such a way that i had to talk to a friend about adopting a child my friend told me to forget about adopting a child, with this she then introduced me to a spiritual leader whom i contacted and i explained everything to her and immediately she told me not to worry that all my problems will be solved, so i believed and did as she asked me, including applying her fertility medicine. After two week i went to the hospital for a total test and i found out that i was pregnant and today am now a mother, so if you are barren or childless kindly contact her on and +441133201124