Monday, June 02, 2008

Mommy Hair

OK, I will readily admit it. . . I made fun of women who cut their hair short immediately after having a baby. I called it the mommy hair cut, and I know a LOT of women who do it. So many of them said "it's just so much easier to maintain!" Well, I know from experience that MY hair isn't easier to maintain when it's short. It's harder. It's a daily thing, much more complicated than throwing it up into a ponytail after brushing (and sometimes without brushing) it. What they don't tell you (except in that great Suave commercial that I am SO identifying with these days) is that you honestly won't make time to do your hair. It's not that I CAN'T make time. I can. I just don't. Other things feel like bigger priorities. So, up in a ponytail goes the hair until I can manage the 20 minutes I need to really blow dry it.

All of that means never feeling put together. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've felt like I really got ready for the day since Nolan was born. (and yes, that was 7 months go) Frumpy and thrown together is much more common for me. I knew I needed shorter hair, if just for the smaller number of minutes required to blow dry it. But the plan was to keep it long enough for a ponytail just in case. . .

As you can see, that didn't happen. 1st, I wanted to donate it, and once 8 inches was cut off, it was JUST long enough for the ponytail. But THEN I didn't quite communicate to the stylist (who is also family. . . sort of) what I wanted it to look like in the end. . . So I came out looking like there was a giant mushroom on my head. Yesterday she fixed it, thanks to a picture I showed her, and now it's short. . . Not quite as short as last time I chopped it, but very very close.

So here you go. . . My mommy hair:

Feel free to mock me. I would, if I were you. And forgive the crappy photo. I couldn't stop giggling while I was trying to use photo booth at my desk.


Stefanie said...

I LOVE it! It really does look great -- you looked good with long hair too, but doesn't it almost feel as if you've reinvented yourself?

Unknown said...

it looks FAB!!!!! i just chopped about 10 inches off of my hair too, lol...but it's still up to my shoulders. anyways, mommy hair wearers UNITE!! :)

Emily Webster said...

LOVE it. If my hair weren't already short, your picture would inspire me to chop it.

Jenee Zirker said...

It does look really cute. But I know how you feel. The same thing happened to me about a month ago and I hate my hair. I'm butch and don't know what to do with the wild crazy short hair. Good luck.

Shayla Taylor said...

I love your hair! It looks great. :) I wish I could have seen the mushroom hair though.

-Bridget said...

That looks adorable! I wanna chop mine off now.

Emily S. said...

Honestly, it doesn't look like a mommy cut!! More like a "just out of college and ready to take over the world" cut!! You're a cutie either way.

I, on the other hand, am growing mine out for the ponytail. And then I'll feel frumpy too and cut it off again. It's a cycle. endless.

megan said...

dang, your hair grows fast! you cut it that short only two years ago, and it had another 8 inches or so on it!

Well, I think it looks cute, anyway.

I've had the mushroom haircut for 6 months now, and its finally grown almost out of that shape. It was too short of a mushroom haircut to fix.

Jules said...

Mock you? Never. It's hot!! You're a hot momma now. :-) I miss you guys so much already.